Room 1 – hybrid
Room 2 – hybrid
Room 3 – virtual
Room 1 | 08:30–10:05 am
Live Surgery 5
Complex Procedures
Room 2 | 08:30–10:00 am
BDC Kurs
Up Date 2021
Room 1 | 10:30 am–11:45 pm
Live Surgery 6
Revisional Surgery
Room 2 | 10:30 am–12:30 pm
BDC Kurs
Schnittstelle Konservative und operative Adipositastherapie
Room 3 | 10:30am–12:30 pm
Session 4
Room 3 | 01:30–02:30 pm
COVID-Impact on Obesity
Room 3 | 02:30–03:30 pm
Perioperative Management
Room 1 | 04:00–05:30 pm
Live Surgery 8
Future of Bariatric Surgery
Room 2 | 04:00–05:30 pm
BDC Kurs
Politische Entwicklung
Room 3 | 04:00–05:30
Dinner for One…
status: July 02, 2021
subject to changes
Live Surgery 5 | Complex Procedures
Chairman: Daniel Gärtner (GER)
Moderator: Daniel Cottam (USA)
Moderator: Martin Büsing (GER)
08:30–08:45 | SADI-S – The new, the easier but also the better procedure?
Andrés Sanchez-Pernaute (ESP)
08:45–09:00 | Transit bipartition/SASI – Towardly compromise or the better „diversion“
Tarek Mahdy (EGY)
09:00–09:20 | Live-Operation SADI
Daniel Gärtner (GER)
09:20–09:35 | Pitfalls in malabsorptive surgery – When and how should we back paddle?
Philippe Topart (FRA)
09:35–09:50 | Conversion of RYGB to BPDDS/SADIS – Is it worth the hassle?
09:50–10:05 | NN
Michel Gagner (CAN)
Live Surgery 6 – Revisional Surgery
Moderatorin: Sonja Chiappetta (GER)
Moderator: Chetan Parmar (GBR)
10:30–10:45 | Slippage and Migration after Gastic Banding – Should we remove all bands after 10 years?
Adriana Rotundo (UAE)
10:45–11:00 | Revisional surgery after reversible bariatric procedures (gastric banding, gastric plication, gastric pacemaker)
Paolo Gentileschi (ITA)
11:00–11:15 | Chronic ulcers after RYGB – Surgical treatment options
Bruno Dillemanns (BEL)
11:15–11:30 | Bile reflux after MGB/OAGB – surgical treatment options
Peter Small (GBR)
11:30–11:45 | Reconversion to normal anatomy form RYGB and MGB/OAGB – indications, tips and tricks
Nasser Sakran (ISR)
Live Surgery 7 | Banded Procedures
Chairman: Mohit Bhandari (IND)
Moderator: Mathias Fobi (IND)
01:30–01:45 | Rationale of banding in bariatric metabolic surgery
Mathias Fobi (IND)
01:45–02:00 | Banded gastric bypass – long terms results
Frits Berends (NED)
02:00–02:15 | Banded sleeve – Do we have enough evidence and data to band all sleeve considering weight recidivism
Luc Lemmens (NED)
02:15–02:30 | Banded one anastomoses bypass – does it makes sense?
Almino Ramos
02:30–02:45 | Sleeve revision to banded bypass – how is the outcome?
Mohit Bhandari (IND)
02:45–03:00 | Complications with banded bariatric procedure and management
Jodok Fink (GER)
03:00–03:15 | Nutritional and psychological counseling for banded bariatric procedures – why it’s so prudent?
Winnie Mathur (IND), Daksha Chitale (IND)
03:15–03:30 | Discussion
Live Surgery 8 | Future of Bariatric Surgery
Chairman: Natan Zundel (USA)
Moderator: Nicola di Lorenzo (ITA)
Moderator: Pablo Omelanczuk (ARG)
04:00–04:15 | New technologies for reflux control after bariatric surgery
Santiago Horgan (USA)
04:15–04:30 | Use of magnets for gastrointestinal anastomosis
Yoav Mintz (ISR)
04:30–04:45 | Gastric Clip
Natan Zundel (USA)
04:45–05:00 | Endogastric plication
Manoel Galvao (BRA)
05:00–05:15 | Gastris sleeve with single Stapling
Aaron Hoffman (USA)
05:15–05:30 | Benefits of robotic in bariatric surgery
Ramon Villalonga (ESP)
COVID-Impact on Obesity
content coming soon
Perioperative Management
content coming soon
Dinner for One… (OAGB/MGB)
content coming soon
Session 4 | Endoluminal
Chairman: Christine Stier (GER)
Moderator: Manoel Galvao Neto (BRA)
10:30–10:45 | The View of the highly experienced bariatric surgeon: Why a specialized bariatric endoscopist is inevitable in a department for metabolic and bariatric surgery
Rudolf Weiner (GER)
10:45–11:00 | Considerations on upper GI anatomy regarding metabolic and bariatric surgery from the endoscopist’s point of view.
11:00–11:15 | „Under pressure: The balancing act with sleeve leakage Pigtail: How I do it“
Giovanni Galasso (ITA)
11:15–11:30 | Under pressure: The balancing act with sleeve leakage EndoVac Therapy: How I do it
Vunan Awunti Mundi (GER)
11:30–11:45 | Suture is the future: Durability of endoscopic sutures
Barham Abu Dayyeh (USA)
11:45–12:00 | Suture is the future: Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Indication and results
Ricardo Zorron (GER)
12:00–12:15 | Addressing the duodenum as metabolic centre of interest
Manoel Galvao Neto (BRA)
BDC Kurs | Teil 1: Up Date 2021
Vorsitz: Mirko Otto (GER)
08:30–08:50 | Bypass Evidenz und Anpassung der Schlingen?
Florian Seyfried (GER)
08:50–09:10 | Sleeve Evidenz, Reflux und Behandlung
Beat Müller (GER)
09:10–09:30 | OAGB gibt es genug Daten?
Anna Dupree (GER)
09:30–09:50 | SADI – genug Evidenz für eine generelle Empfehlung?
G. Vassilev (GER)
BDC Kurs | Teil 2: Schnittstelle Konservative und operative Adipositastherapie
Vorsitz: Ayra Sharma
10:30–10:50 | Kann und sollte der Chirurg mit GLP1 therapieren?
10:50–11:10 | Welche Medikamente kommen und wie sollte man diese einsetzen?
11:10–11:30 | Indikation bei Fettleber und Niereninsuffizienz
11.40–12.00 | Welcher Patient sollte nicht operiert werden
12.00–12.20 | Stellenwert der Endoskopie
BDC Kurs | Teil 3: Fast Track und Pfade
Vorsitz: NN
01:30–01:50 | Narkoseführung für eine Schnelle und sichere Überleitung
01:50–02:10 | ERAB – was brauchen wir wirklich
Till Hasenberg (GER)
02:10–02:30 | Gemeinsame Entwicklung eines Pfades – das Team
02:30–02:40 | NN
02:40–03:00 | NN
03:00–03:20 | NN
03:20–03:30 | Diskussion
BDC Kurs | Teil 4: Politische Entwicklung
Vorsitz: Beate Herbig (GER)
04:00–04:20 | Die DAA stellt sich vor
04:20–04:40 | Was ist ein DMP
04:40–05:00 | Wie kommt die Abwertung des OAGB zu stande?
05:00–05:20 | Projekte der CAADIP
05:20–05:30 | Diskussion